---- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan DuBoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Matthew Gardiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] An Open Letter to the Solaris Community.

> On Fri, 3 Aug 2007, Matthew Gardiner wrote:
>> When Solaris has the same level of hardware support both out of the box 
>> and official, and software availability in the form of off the shelf 
>> boxed products from big name vendors, then Sun and its minions can be 
>> judgemental over Windows. Until then, anything said against Microsoft and 
>> Windows by those minions make the discussion little more than blind 
>> hatred of something for no reason other than jealousy.
> With all your comments about how poor the support on Solaris is, I have to 
> wonder, wasn't it you who mentioned you installed this for your parents? 
> If Solaris truely lacks the type of software that they would want, and Sun 
> hasn't made any progress with Solaris over the past couple years, why is 
> it that you installed it for them in the first place?

Because they have very basic computer requirements and that their hardware 
is so old, it would be a joke if it wasn't supported out of the box.

> Are your parents developers? I don't get it. Solaris must have something 
> going for it if you did in fact install it for your parents, or how could 
> they use it?

I installed it myself for them. They're happy - but the issue isn't them but 
me and my experience.

> Aside from the diatribe that has been mentioned here, I will say this. 
> Solaris has been difficult for most to install, and it has been difficult 
> at best for most of them to configure, but there are people that can do 
> that. What is most amazing to me is that I know for certain that if 
> Solaris is properly setup with a minimal amount of software, the average 
> person can take it and use it. I have seen non-technical people do this 
> first hand, and they've ran builds of S10 and older on their laptops for 
> more than a year at a time.
> You suggest Sun should spend a chunk of their savings to enhance the 
> desktop. Well, I have to believe that someone knows what they're doing to 
> keep a company with 35,000 people working for it going. I don't think it's 
> by pure luck that they showed earnings of $0.09/share in the last quarter.

When you main source of income is the US, its deficit based economic grow 
(look at federal budget deficit) plus a weak dollar, they all work in favour 
of a US based company - there are issues outside so-called 'excellent 

Running on laptops is not the same as supporting laptops; there is more to a 
computer than just a processor, hard disk, graphics card, memory.


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