The problem is not really just with Adobe Acrobat, it's also with the rest of 
their product line. They have a great history of shooting themselves in the 
foot with their own market. I have seen many, many content publishing companies 
go through all sorts of grief with Adobe over software versions, cpu and 
platform issues, and product interoperability. If it was just a Sun thing, well 
it might be more special, but it's really not. Most of the trouble I've seen 
has been on Mac's and Windows machines because they're what there is the most 
of out there. For a long time, FrameMaker on sparc was like the best of breed 
in word processing. People liked it because it was reliable and on Suns it 
scaled, and was professional quality in it's publishing capacity.

I wish Adobe would get their act together but waiting on that isn't a good or 
productive idea. The idea that they will manage to keep their act together on 
Linux where they havn't necessarily done it in the past with every other OS is 
sort of silly. Software development is often pretty fragile, and there's no 
question Adobe's flailing in a lot of respects with platform coherence. 

The sad thing about it is that they haven't identified and chosen appropriate 
standards to follow that would solve this problem. The market has reacted to it 
by making the 'save as pdf' option to create portability, instead of using 
Adobe software for the same purpose.

I'd like to see Adobe do better with their support of applications in general 
on Solaris, but I'd also like to see it happen across the board with every 
major commercial unix, (including Linux, which is  quite the commercial unix 
itself these days) as well as MacOS, & XP/Vista. I can't quite figure out why 
they flail around with this but they do. It's not like any of the vendors out 
there can't offer them reference platforms and support for them to do it with. 
It's not rocket science to do it either. Which points at managerial 
shortcomings pretty clearly, and there's little to be done about that.

Tim Scanlon
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