Hi James

"That's not quite true. IPMP's inbound load spreading makes use of multiple 
data addresses in a group. When we make outbound connections to multiple peers 
and there are multiple data addresses, we'll intentionally round-robin select 
among those addresses to use as source addresses, each with a separate MAC 
address. That allows the return traffic to be spread among the available links. 
The other part of the picture is DNS. For spreading of inbound connections, you 
should insert all of the data addresses as IN A records for a single name, and 
configure your server so that it does round-robin responses. (If the peers are 
Solaris, disabling or configuring nscd may be necessary.)"

Can you please tell em a bit more about this, how can IPMP make inbound 
spreading, because i saw in documentation that test IPs are used explicitly for 
test pings and availability check only.. so.. i was not able to comprehend, it 
will be helpful , if you can help me understand,

Humble Regards,

-- chandan Maddanna.
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