Ian Collins wrote:
> Herschel Krustofsky writes:
> > I agree completely with Bruno, getting the distribution out there properly 
> > is a showstopper.
> >
> This subject comes up over and over (and has for years) and the answer
> remains the same.
> Why do you think Indiana was created?

AFAIK this issue is not related to Indiana - originally the download
system did work properly until it was replaced with a new one which
broke "wget" and now depends on features (https, javascript) which
aren't supported by anything except a web browser.

IMO it would be nice to fix two things:
1. Get "wget" support working again, including the feature to resume
downloads after an IP address change on the client side
2. Post MD5/SHA256 checksums to the _mailinglist_ (e.g. an independet
information source - right now the ISOs and hash sums are located on the
same set of servers which is IMO bad for security)



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