2010/4/14 "C. Bergström" <codest...@osunix.org>:
> Jennifer Pioch wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Chad Welsh <unixphr...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> Well we have heard from one of the OGB members about forking this project
>>> to save it from the hands of [b]"HOracle"[/b] the multi-headed, voracious,
>>> open source devouring monster. So, when and who might be the first
>>> step/person to make this happen to protect what has been done so far?
>> A full fork can only be made if the internationalisation parts of libc
>> are released as open source. Either we have to call the TOG (The Open
>> Group) for source license, wait that Roland Mainz releases his version
>> or find a suitable substitute.
>> And then forking the hell outta here.
> Umm..
> #1 Roland is only handling the cli bits (Which with his help I replaced a
> long time ago in osunix)

No, Roland has an own dropin replacement for libc_i18n.a using the
FreeBSD and AST sources as base for his work.

Jennifer Pioch, Uni Frankfurt
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