Hi Mike,

Option 1: Use shared-stack

But that means that I am not going to be able to use all the goodies that
come with ip-excl. :(

 You will then need to transition your network configuration in the

zone from net0 to net1.

Do you mean, sysconfig configure here or some othe procedure. Right now it
looks like this:

LINK                CLASS     MTU    STATE    OVER
net0                phys      1500   up       --
net1                phys      1500   unknown  --
zdev1/net1          phys      1500   unknown  --

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 11:43 PM, Mike Gerdts <mger...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 11:25 PM, Deniz Rende <deniz.re...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> It could be that this anet resource automatically picked the wrong
> >> lower link.  From the global zone, what do "dladm show-link" and
> >> "ipadm show-addr" say?
> >
> > I get the following information:
> > root@solaris11:~# dladm show-link
> > LINK                CLASS     MTU    STATE    OVER
> > net0                phys      1500   up       --
> > zdev1/net0          vnic      1500   up       net0
> > root@solaris11:~# ipadm show-addr
> > ADDROBJ           TYPE     STATE        ADDR
> > lo0/v4            static   ok 
> > net0/v4           static   ok 
> > lo0/v6            static   ok           ::1/128
> > net0/v6           addrconf ok           fe80::a00:27ff:fe22:cf2f/10
> > I don't know if it worths to mention but the version of Solaris 11 is the
> > text install....I also don't have any trouble GZ networking:
> > root@solaris11:~# ping www.google.com
> > www.google.com is alive
> I suspect that what is happening is that the zdev1/net0 vnic thinks it
> is OK to allocate another MAC (Ethernet) address but virtualbox isn't
> happy with it and thinks something in the VM is trying to spoof
> packets  There may be a way within virtualbox to disable this
> behavior, but I've not used virtualbox recently enough to remember.
> Assuming you can't disable the vbox feature that seems to be getting
> in the way, instead of using an anet resource which creates a vnic on
> top of the global zone's net0, try one of the following:
> Option 1: Use shared-stack
> zonecfg -z zdev1
> remove anet linkname=net0
> set ip-type=shared
> add net
> set name=net0
> set addr=
> set defrouter=
> end
> exit
> zoneadm -z zdev1 reboot
> You will probably need to do some ipadm magic (ipadm delete-ip
> net0/<something>?) to make the configuration for net0 go away, else
> network/physical:default will probably be in maintenance.
> Option 2: Allocate another network
> In this option, you need to have virtualbox provide another NIC.  That
> is, shut down the VM, within the VirtualBox GUI, configure a second
> network to look just like the first one, then boot the VM.
> Once you are back in Solaris:
> zonecfg -z zdev1
> remove anet linkname=net0
> add net
> set physical=net1
> end
> exit
> zoneadm -z zdev1 reboot
> You will then need to transition your network configuration in the
>> zone from net0 to net1.
> --
> Mike Gerdts
> http://mgerdts.blogspot.com/

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