On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 12:21 PM, Nicky Perian <nickyper...@gmail.com>

This is from viewer64 repo w/o changes.
> 0>c:\users\bill\p64\viewer64pure\indra\llcommon\llunittype.h(51): error
> C2226: syntax error : unexpected type 'S' (C:\Users\Bill\P64\
> viewer64pure\build-vc120-64\packages\llphysicsextensions\stub\
> LLPhysicsExtensionsStubImpl.cpp)

Okay. We're trying to unify compile switches across libraries and viewer
builds, so we've introduced
rather than trying to keep compile switches in sync by hand, which has
historically been troublesome.

The idea is that you clone that repo locally, then set environment variable
AUTOBUILD_VARIABLES_FILE to the 'variables' file within your local
viewer-build-variables clone.

This provides switches and macro definitions that we've previously set in
indra/cmake/00-Common.cmake. In fact I recently pulled the LL_BUILD
environment variable (set by autobuild source_environment when
AUTOBUILD_VARIABLES_FILE is set) into the CMake logic, and eliminated the
switches within 00-Common.cmake now made redundant by the switches in

Among those switches is /DLL_WINDOWS. At this point, if you don't have
AUTOBUILD_VARIABLES_FILE pointing to your local
viewer-build-variables/variables file, you won't have LL_WINDOWS set.

Without LL_WINDOWS, you don't get LL_TYPEOF() defined.

Without LL_TYPEOF(), you get those strange errors.

Naturally we'll be updating all the public documentation to reflect these
things... but we're still evolving all this stuff! Sorry, but by tracking
the bleeding edge of our development, you might occasionally get nicked.
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