On 2018-03-21 19:30, Henri Beauchamp wrote:
> Yes, under Linux, ld uses the provided library <name> and searches for
> <name>, lib<name>.so, lib<name>.a, etc...
> But your problem was related to a bad call in your plugin (did you read
> my message dated Wed, 21 Mar 2018 00:43:41 +0100 ?).

Hi Henri,

I saw it. Ive resolved the loading issues of the plugin not loading. I 
no longer see symbol errors.

I have no working media still which is strange. I did notice an error in 
the log which looked suspicious so hopefully I am going down the right 
path here with troubleshooting it...

I notice there are no instances of SLPlugin running when my viewer 
starts, or any instance of dullahan_host, that immediately got me 

This is the error I saw in the log:

2018-03-22T10:08:12Z llplugin/slplugin/slplugin.cpp(194) : error
2018-03-22T10:08:12Z ERROR: llplugin/slplugin/slplugin.cpp(194) : main: 
port number must be numeric

I've looked at the code in slplugin.cpp and see this:
         if(argc < 2)
                 LL_ERRS("slplugin") << "usage: " << argv[0] << " 
launcher_port" << LL_ENDL;

         U32 port = 0;
         if(!LLStringUtil::convertToU32(argv[1], port))
                 LL_ERRS("slplugin") << "port number must be numeric" << 

So the argc count is being satisfied... and obviously some parameter is 
being sent that obviously is not numeric and throwing the error.

I ran the viewer under strace and observed some interesting behavior:

4589 execve("/home/alex/ivyviewer/bin/SLPlugin", 
["/home/alex/ivyviewer/bin/SLPlugin", "38655"], [/ 66 vars /]

4592 execve("/home/alex/ivyviewer/bin/SLPlugin", 
["/home/alex/ivyviewer/bin/SLPlugin", "--type=zygote", "--lang=en-US", 
"--product-version=(Dullahan:1.1.820 [64bit] - SecondLife/ 
(Firestorm-private-x64build; firestorm skin)) Chrome/59.0."...], [/ 69 
vars /]

I am seeing SLPlugin called once correctly, with the port number it 
expects, then it is being called a second time with data that it is not 
expecting, thus the error condition is triggered in slplugin.cpp

I know this is a bit of a shot in the dark.... but can you think of any 
possibilities why this could happen?

Just thought I would ask since I am all out of ideas at this point.

Kind Regards,
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