Ben Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>I am in search of the following references. Does anybody know where them can
>>be found?
>>       ISO/IEC 8824-1:1995: Information technology - Abstract Syntax
>>       Notation One (ASN.1) -- Specification of basic notation. 1995

>Haha. Prepare to be thoroughly amused, and at vast expense. Once you have 
>these (having paid through the nose for someone to press "print" [and in my 
>case having to reprint because they then punched holes through the text]), 
>you'll find that they refer to yet other expensive documents. Probably until 
>you've bought every piece of nonsense ever written by ITU.

This is one characteristic which the ISO shares with the FSF (to use GNU foo 
you first need to install GNU everything-else).  In any case there's a fairly
good chance that when/if you do get the standard, you'll find it almost
incomprehensible, particularly all the extras beyond the basic notation.  A
much easier way to learn ASN.1 is to get the introduction to ASN.1 written by
Burt Kaliski, which is available (for free) from RSA's web site.  By buying 
the standard you tend to lose twice, once by having to pay a lot of money for
it and again by ending up with something which you can't make head or tail of.


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