grep clock time.h
typedef unsigned long int clock_t;
clock_t clock(void);
clock_t clock();

At 01:43 AM 3/25/00 +0100, Bodo Moeller wrote:
>Francisco A. Tomei Torres <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> cc -I../include -O -Wall   -c ssltest.c -o ssltest.o
>> ssltest.c: In function `main':
>> ssltest.c:504: `CLOCKS_PER_SEC' undeclared (first use this function)
>Weird, this should be defined in <time.h> on every standard C system
>(it's not a POSIX special or something).  Please grep through
>the standard header files to see if you can find this symbol
>anywhere.  Also please read the manual page for the C function
>clock() and look for hints; it should say something like this:
>       The value returned is the  CPU  time  used  so  far  as  a
>       clock_t;  to  get  the  number  of seconds used, divide by
>In any case, please tell us if you've found something or not.
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