> I can imagine that one might get the same certificate
> from several source, but I'm pretty sure it could be resolved but
> applying a little bit of automagic intelligence and tossing all
> duplicates except for the copy that has the highest trust attached to
> it.

I was assuming this would be done by the application.  It tries
to store a cert, and if it gets an EEXISTS error (or the functional
equivalent) then it's up to the application to decide what to
do next.

Of course, this opens the whole can-o-worms of "what constitutes
a duplicate cert?"  Is it an exact match, or matching I+SN, or
some other criteria?

BTW, this example also brings up the need for a "replace" operation.
If you want to replace an existing CA cert, e.g., because someone
tried to sneak through a time extension with the same SN, you would
want an atomic operation since an intelligent backend may invalidate
any certs signed by a deleted CA cert.

> Trust, BTW, could rather easily be handled by attaching internal
> attributes to certificates with extra information.  Those attributes
> are not part of the certificate itself, of course.  Was that
> approximately the way you saw this being done as well?

What will this do to the whole-cert hash value?

(I assume that the whole-cert hash is computed as the SHA-1 hash on 
the ASN.1 encoding of the cert... something that I can compute with 
ASN1_write_bio(), a mem BIO and a sha1 BIO.  Or by another library
crunching on an DER-encoded certificate in the underlying database.)

> I would rather see that applications can request
> indexes on a rather flexible set of basic types, and request searches
> according to basically whatever.

The application can always make a request according to any criteria,
the only issue is if the time required for the results.  If it's
on a hashed key, you get results in O(1).  If you have to scan through
all records in the database your results take O(n).  That's why I want
to use I+SN as the primary key - I can anticipate far more searches on
that key than the whole-cert hash.

If you're talking about fewer than a few hundred certs, the extra
complexity required for secondary keys probably isn't worth the effort.

If you have more than few thousand certs, you'll probably be looking 
at a RDBMS for other reasons anyway.  In these cases you would want
to create a secondary index on every searchable quantity anyway.

Even if most sites fall into the middle, secondary indices (esp. of
non-unique keys) are always a pain to get right.  It's too easy to
overlook a single error or race condition and get a flaky database.
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