line 142 openssl.c:

CONF *config=NULL;

needed by apps.c line 1325:

int load_config(BIO *err, CONF *cnf)
        if (!cnf)
                cnf = config;  <-----

is not resolved in the case of NON - MONOLITH builds, as in building a 
standalone s_client executable by linking app_rand.o, apps.o, s_cb.o, 
s_client.o, s_socket.o against libeay and libcrypto .  (amongst numerous 
others as well)

move or ifndef MONOLITH "CONF *config=NULL;" to apps.c

(all tests pass freebsd4.5-stable)

Thats the small one, make_serial_index(...)/unpack_revinfo(...) and 
do_subject(...) implemented within ca.c and then called from ocsp.c and 
req.c - also break non MONOLITH builds in much the same way.
i'll send along in a bit as a patch as soon as i figure out all the 
inner dependencies


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