In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Tue, 2 Dec 2003 08:52:04 -0500, Geoff Thorpe <[EMAIL 

geoff> > If we switch to use the mem* variant in bn_expand_internal(), it needs
geoff> > to be corrected.  The current form is unbelievingly buggy (I didn't
geoff> > even look at it last I played around with this code, since it was
geoff> > disabled).
geoff> Well, I can see that the memset() is excessive considering that
geoff> b->top words of that same range are immediately overwritten
geoff> afterwards by the memcpy(), and likewise the use of
geoff> sizeof(b->d[0]) seems strange given the logic in the previous
geoff> line uses sizeof(BN_ULONG) (which is better). But "unbelievably
geoff> buggy"? How so?

A missing 'if (b->d != NULL)' before the memcpy(), corresponding to
the 'if (B != NULL)' higher up.

So OK, it's perhaps not that buggy...  :-)

geoff> (In fact, the one recurring "bug" to me is the continual use of
geoff> (words+1) when the caller has clearly expressed an interest in
geoff> (words) instead ...

I think that's plain paranoia, as in "better allocate some space so
off-by-one errors don't bite us in the ass".

geoff> another thing to look into at another time - and please don't
geoff> mess with this in the mean time, I've got too many diffs lying
geoff> round already and this could upset my audit apple-cart :-)

Is this when I should go "Mwahahahahaha", and then not do anything,
leaving you to wonder what you missed?  :-)

BAD Richard, BAD!  *zap*...  *ouch*, that hurt!

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