On December 8, 2008 06:41:58 am Vishnu Param wrote:
> > Isn't it obvious? You broke the SHA algorithm in the client, causing it
> > to RSA sign the wrong value. When the server checks the signature, it
> > fails because it is a signature of the wrong thing.
> But I have tested the algorithm. It gives identical hash values. I just
> want to know if there is something that I am missing.
> As I understand it, the hash function hashes the values and puts them into
> the SHA_CTX variable. From my observation, the hash function only puts in
> the hash values h0,h1,h2,h3, and h4 in the SHA_CTX variable. Is there
> anything else I have missed/fail to notice?
Without a copy of the code that you are trying to debug, it is very difficult 
to give you any serious answers.

As David said, since you only changed one thing, then that's what is broken. 
My guess is that while your algorithm may be correct, the representation of 
the bytes that you are using isn't of the same format that OpenSSL is 
expecting. Again, without your source, it is almost impossible to help.

Have fun.

Patrick Patterson
President and Chief PKI Architect,
Carillon Information Security Inc.
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
Development Mailing List                       openssl-dev@openssl.org
Automated List Manager                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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