I think there might be some distracting issues here. I tried this sample 
makefile on some non-GNU makes, and at least one I found was unhappy with 
two different elements of the sample, neither of which was $(Q)echo.

A current non-GNU version of make on Solaris handled the provided sample 
Makefile just fine, and correctly managed the QUIET mode as intended.

But I found an old "make" from 1997 on a local Solaris system. It didn't 
recognize the "ifeq" syntax for conditional logic in a makefile. 
Interestingly, it reported an error on line 4, not line 3, which means it 
saw the newline and bumped the line counter before reporting that it 
couldn't deal with what it saw.

I removed the "ifeq" logic and left just a "Q:=@" line, and that same 
"make" was unhappy with the := syntax for assigning to a Makefile 
variable. (Yes, it's that old.)

When I changed this to "Q=@" the 12-year-old version of Solaris "make" was 
happy: when it saw "$(Q)echo" it acted like it had seen "@echo" which is 
what the Makefile writer intended.

What I'm saying is (1) you can't always trust line numbers of error 
reports from "make" to be specific, and (2) your "make" program might not 
be objecting to what you think it is, and (3) different people's "makes" 
might work with or reject that input file differently.

-- Allan Pratt, apr...@us.ibm.com
Rational software division of IBM

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