On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 10:40:01AM +0200, Andy Polyakov wrote:
> You've got to appreciate the irony. Even though "systems" are referred
> to as "some," we can as well stop pretending that we are not talking
> about Win64. And on Win64 off_t is ... 32 bits. But even in real POSIX
> environment off_t is not foolproof choice. Because on a range of 32-bit
> platforms its width depends on compile-time definitions such as
> _LARGEFILE_SOURCE and company. This means that if libcrypto is compiled
> with 64-bit off_t, then applications would have to be as well. Formally
> we can't expect they are.

*Vomit sound* I was trying to forget that LARGEFILE_SOURCE garbage.

However, it is easily worked around, the same way the insane vendors who
choose to implement it do so in their libraries and header files.  On such
a system (not hard to detect at build time) build the actual BIO internals
with -DLARGEFILE_SOURCE and thus 64-bit off_t; then build a set of wrapper
functions with 32-bit "off_t" and use header file magic to ensure that
applications get the right one.

It is horrible, but it is what's forced on application developers by the
LARGEFILE_SOURCE idiocy, foisted on users by kernel developers who did not
understand how to rename/renumber system calls and their library stubs for
backwards compatibility even though there were open-source examples already
out there in the world.

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