On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 11:06:56AM -0400, Salz, Rich wrote:
> > And I want to reduce the number of exposed APIs.
> Except that as we (hopefully) move to making struct's opaque, then we'll need 
> add lots of accessors.  I assume you know that, but just want to make sure 
> folks realize it.

Those structs are now part of the API, and I'd really like to see
them go.  It probably means that some of the defines need to be
turned into functions.  And we probably need to add some

> In the medium term, I'd like to see things like this "BN foo;" break at 
> compile time.

I don't think that should cause much problems and they should be
easy enough to fix.

The question then is do you also want "BN *foo;" to break at some
point?  As in, do we really need to expose the BN library?  There
clearly are users of that, but a quick search seems to indicate
that there actually aren't that much.  But I have no strong
feeling about that part.

But some of the things I want to get rid of are files like aes.h,
md4.h, md5.h, des.h, des_old.h, ...


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