With the current build system, user-defined CFLAGS are accepted as any
unrecognized command line argument passed to Configure. This seems a
little dangerous to me since it means a simple typo could end up
getting passed to the C compiler.

As well, the current build system forcibly enables optimization (-O3)
or debug symbols (-g) depending on the build type (--release or

There does not appear to be any method for the user to pass additional
LDFLAGS to the build system.

I would like to propose the following changes:

1. Read CFLAGS and LDFLAGS from the environment within the Configure script.
2. Allow the user to opt-out of the default release or debug cflags,
perhaps by adding a third build type (neither release nor debug).

These changes would my job as a distro maintainer on Gentoo Linux just
a little bit easier.

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