We have 2 outstanding 1.1.1 PRs. These are:

#7144 ASN.1 DER: Make INT32 / INT64 types read badly encoded LONG zeroes

Owner: Richard
Awaiting updates following review feedback

#7145 SipHash: add separate setter for the hash size

Owner: Richard
Awaiting updates following review feedback

There are also 2 outstanding 1.1.1 issues. Both of those are addressed
by the above PRs.

Strictly speaking we are now "green" for the open issues/PR part of the
release criteria. The above two PRs/issues will be less than 2 weeks old
at the time of release:

"All open github issues/PRs older than 2 weeks at the time of release to
be assessed for relevance to 1.1.1. Any flagged with the 1.1.1 milestone
to be closed (see below)"

We should still aim to close them though if at all possible.

However, travis has gone red. This looks like an environmental issue
since we're getting lots of lines like this all of a sudden in the pyca
external tests:

RemovedInPytest4Warning: MarkInfo objects are deprecated as they contain
merged marks which are hard to deal with correctly.
Please use node.get_closest_marker(name) or node.iter_markers(name).
Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/mark.html#updating-code
  for mark in request.node.get_marker("requires_backend_interface")

Until eventually we get this:

"The log length has exceeded the limit of 4 MB (this usually means that
the test suite is raising the same exception over and over).

The job has been terminated"

Ideally we should see what we can do to fix this. I don't think it
should hold up our release though.

I intend to freeze the repo 48 hours before the release (i.e. on Sunday)
to ensure stability of the build.

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