A few of the more active developers currently have a videocall meeting
every tuesday, in the morning for us in Europe.

We talked about this issue yesterday, and realised quite a few things.
One pretty important thing to realise is that while many new functions
take a library context and a property query string that are located
together, that doesn't mean that they are the coupled pair that we
made them out to be, quite the contrary.

The library context has been called many things...  during the vidcall
yesterday, it was compared to "a global state", which could be a term
that we can agree with, since its primary function is to be a
collection of stuff that were previously global.

The property query string, on the other hand, is only interesting for
fetching implementations, so if it's to be conceptually coupled with
anything, it's with the name of the algorithm that's being fetched.
This is most visible when we pass a cipher or digest name to some
provider-side implementations; they also always take a property query
string (if we've missed a spot, please raise an issue).

Do note that there are places where we pass a property query string
without passing an algorithm name.  That happen when the algorithm
name is inferred from another object that's passed in.  For example:

    EVP_PKEY_CTX *EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_from_pkey(OPENSSL_CTX *libctx,
                                             EVP_PKEY *pkey,
                                             const char *propquery);

This function would classically be used when you have a |pkey| with
just domain parameters, and you want to generate a key from it.  In
this case, the algorithm name is inferred from the |pkey|.

With this, it makes sense to conceptually decouple the library context
and the property query string, and to view the passing of them to
diverse functions in form of a pair as accidental.  We can thereby
talk about them separately.


Regarding the library context, when viewed as a global state, it makes
sense to have it as a first argument where it's being passed, if at
all.  The question is, where should we actually pass it?  We have a
few different suggestions, in wording or in code, on the table:

1.  Pass it as first argument everywhere.  This is problematic, as
    "everywhere" is a *lot*, and if we do this, we might as well
    re-design the whole libcrypto API [*], and that's definitely not
    what OpenSSL 3.0 is about, quite the contrary.

    This has been partially done, with all the _with_libctx
    functions.  As far as I've understood, these have been added on
    need basis, i.e. somewhere down the code path, a library context
    or a property query string is needed.  I can't say if this gives
    any sense of completeness or consistency, viewed as an cohesive
    API, or if we stand any chance of getting there without a complete
    API re-design.

    Something to be noted is that it doesn't make sense to pass the
    library context everywhere, because it's already part of other
    structures that are passed.  For example, any method structure,
    such as EVP_CIPHER, EVP_MD, etc are tied to a provider, which is
    in turn tied to a library context.  Passing another library
    context to anything that includes one of those method structures
    would only be confusing.

2.  Pass it when constructing different structures, mostly other
    context structures.  As an example, EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_from_pkey()
    that I displayed above.  There may be cases where we need to pass
    it directly to functions that aren't constructors, but I expect
    those cases to be relatively few.

    This has been done for some other structures as well, on an as
    needed basis:

        X509 *X509_new_with_libctx(OPENSSL_CTX *libctx, const char *propq);

        X509_STORE_CTX *X509_STORE_CTX_new_with_libctx(OPENSSL_CTX *libctx,
                                                       const char *propq);

    (the following are internal only)

        int x509_set0_libctx(X509 *x, OPENSSL_CTX *libctx, const char *propq);
        int x509_crl_set0_libctx(X509_CRL *x, OPENSSL_CTX *libctx, const char 

3.  Set a current library context, a pointer in a thread local
    variable.  We already have support for that, which this function:

        OPENSSL_CTX *OPENSSL_CTX_set0_default(OPENSSL_CTX *libctx);

    The usage model is this:

        OPENSSL_CTX *prevctx = OPENSSL_CTX_set0_default(libctx);

        /* do stuff with |libctx| as implicit current global state */


Looking at that list now, I realise that it goes from most intrusive
to least intrusive, viewed as a public API.

The third choice in particular would let any application or library
just set their library context for the duration of the code that
should be execute with that as a "global state", and restore it when
done, leaving the rest of the OpenSSL calls untouched.

Something to be noted is that model 2 and 3 is possible to combine,
which could give us a smoother transition between the current API and
whatever we design going forward.


Regarding the property query string, looking at it separate from the
library context, the question remains where to put it, and a few
proposals are on the table:

1.  Put it last.

2.  Put it next to the algorithm name or the object that an algorithm
    name is inferred from.

3.  Set it "globally" with a thread local variable, a bit like what
    OPENSSL_CTX_set0_default() does for library contexts.

    For this model, it's been argued if it should simply be stored in
    the current library context, thereby avoiding to add another
    thread local variable (which, for all intents and purposes, is
    another actually global thing to deal with, even though on
    per-thread level).

In my mind, model 2 would be more sensible than model 1, because of
the implied tie between algorithm name and property query string.
Also, even here, model 3 is possible to combine with model 2, and even
with model 1.

Regarding model 3, it must be said that there is potential for confusion
on what it's supposed to do, replace the default property query string
(settable with EVP_set_default_properties()), or merge with it.
Remember that a property query string given through any XXX_fetch()
function is temporarly merged with the default properties when looking
for fitting algorithms.




[*] The OpenSSL API could do with a re-design, but that's for the
farther future and requires a lot of thought and time.

Richard Levitte         levi...@openssl.org
OpenSSL Project         http://www.openssl.org/~levitte/

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