+1 to that. There is a reason why almost all the major projects
switched over to doing time based releases instead of feature
completeness based ones.

Of course the 3.0 release is kind of special because we are defining a
completely new API - the providers API - with the intention to have it
stable for many years to come. Any bugs in the API design for providers
will have to live with us at least until the 4.0 release and so it is
reasonable goal to avoid them if at all possible.

But yes, I am also feeling that the release requirements as defined in
the proposal are a little bit too much on the side of the perfect, the
enemy of the good and it would not be a major problem if some of them
were not there.

Unfortunately the release requirements as defined in the proposal for
OTC vote come fairly naturally from the feature requirements set by OMC
so if we would like to avoid some of them I think that OMC would have
to first amend the feature requirements for the 3.0 release.

On Wed, 2020-10-07 at 21:57 -0700, Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 07, 2020 at 12:35:28PM +0100, Matt Caswell wrote:
> > I had an action from the OTC meeting today to raise a vote on the
> > OTC
> > list of technical items still to be done. Here is my proposed vote
> > text.
> > There will be a subsequent vote on the "beta readiness checklist"
> > which
> > is a separate list.
> Thanks, Matt; this is a fine list of desirable things.  (I tried to
> resist
> commenting on specific items, but building the 1.1.1 apps+tests
> against 3.0
> libraries is a solid way to help meet our stability goals, and should
> arguably be something that run-checker just does, all the time.)
> I've trimmed the list, though, to make a broader point, which could
> be
> summarized as "the perfect is the enemy of the good".
> It's a natural consequence for a software project that has long-term
> supported releases, strong API stability guarantees, and infrequent
> releases, to feel that each major release is a critical threshold and
> that
> we need to do a bunch of tidying before the release to wrap it up
> nicely.
> Paying off technical debt is often a bit part of the tidying that is
> perceived necessary, as is attempting to be future looking -- missing
> the
> release, after all, is the difference between needing to support some
> bad/annoying thing for (say) 8 years instead of "only" 5.
> There is value in doing this fixup, yes, but there is also cost in
> keeping
> all the good things (and other fixup) that is already done out of the
> hands
> of those who wish to consume it.  I've seen this phenomenon bite
> various
> projects over time with effects of different magnitude, varying from
> FreeBSD 5.0+SMP that had nearly existential consequences on the
> project, to
> OpenAFS 1.6.0 where release delays produced enough frustration to
> lead to a
> bit of a rush-job final release that was a bit unstable; I was lucky
> enough
> to have missed the worst of this effect for krb5, and managed to do a
> little better (but still not great) for OpenAFS 1.8.0.
> Projects that get hit really badly by this phenomenon tend to correct
> for
> it and end up on a fixed time-based cadence of releases, and in order
> to
> stick to that cadence end up having to get comfortable shipping
> releases
> without a desired feature or that are known to have incomplete parts
> of one
> feature or another.  It also requires discipline to keep the main
> development branch always (or nearly so) in a releasable state, but
> in my
> opinion we are already doing a pretty good job of that with our
> policies
> for code review and unit tests.  (We could, of course, do better
> about
> monitoring the extended tests, run checker, and the like, but when we
> do
> have regressions getting them fixed is not an invasive mess.)
> To list some examples:
> FreeBSD aims for new major ("dot zero") releases every two years.
> MIT krb5 puts out new releases annually.
> Google Chrome puts out releases every 6 weeks.
> [Okay, I haven't exactly moved OpenAFS over to this schedule yet, but
> I did
> just today cut a 1.9.0 and am going to try to put out regular 1.9.x
> versions.]
> I would urge the OTC (and OMC) to be careful around the pitfalls of
> making
> the perfect the enemy of the good, and be willing to accept some
> level of
> "uncleanliness" in the interest of getting all the good things we
> have
> already done out there in production releases.  (And also trying to
> not
> slip the published schedule too much.)  It is unpleasant, yes, but
> sometimes it is the best choice overall.
> Thanks,
> Ben
Tomáš Mráz
No matter how far down the wrong road you've gone, turn back.
                                              Turkish proverb
[You'll know whether the road is wrong if you carefully listen to your

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