hunter wrote:
On 5/7/06, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Typically one links to the static library then, which of course will only
link in .obj files that are consumed.  One bit of OpenSSL magic are the
seperate objects which create a (relatively) quite small binary.  That is,
if you use explicit methods, e.g. use TLSV1_server_init if you will only
respond with TLS, instead of SSLV23_server_init where you draw in much
more conditional code.

Are you saying that if I build and provide a package with static libs
and headers that an application could use this to compile smaller


I will look for instructions on how to do this...

You should find ms/ntdll.mak as well as ms/nt.mak, one spits out dynamic libs
into out32dll/, the other static libs into out32/.

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