Kyle Hamilton wrote:
The ITU X.509v1? The X.509v3? The Internet Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Profile? Perhaps the Attribute Certificate profile? Or the Proxy Certificate profile? Or some other profile?

excerpt from the 2000 version. Since this is the one that I have online.

issuerUniqueIdentifier is used to uniquely identify an issuer in case of name re-use. subjectUniqueIdentifier is used to uniquely identify a subject in case of name re-use. NOTE 3 – In situations where a distinguished name might be reassigned to a different user by the Naming Authority, CAs can use the unique identifier to distinguish between reused instances. However, if the same user is provided certificates by multiple CAs, it is recommended that the CAs coordinate on the assignment of unique identifiers as part of their user registration procedures.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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