To avoid having to override every RSA function, I could fill my engine's
custom RSA_METHOD with methods from RSA_PKCS1_SSLeay. Alternatively I
could have my functions wrap the internal OpenSSL functions. For
int myEngineRsaModExp(BIGNUM *r0,const BIGNUM *I,RSA *rsa,BN_CTX *ctx)
  int rc = 0;
  // do some custom work here
  // now call internal method
  rc = RSA_PKCS1_SSLeay()->rsa_mod_exp(r0, I, rsa, cts);

  // do some more customized work
  return rc;


However, I can't do that with "rsa_keygen". For some reason this pointer
is null (actually there could be more of these -- so far I have come
across this one only).

The source code for RSA_generate_key_ex which calls the builtin
"rsa_builtin_kegen" has a comment including the following:

/* this wrapper would normally be placed in ... the ...
 * implementation would probably be in rsa_eay.c.
 * Nonetheless, is kept here so
 * that we don't introduce a new linker dependency. 

Could this be fixed with so that RSA_PKCS1_SSLeay() has a pointer to the
builtin implementation. Since i don't have access to the original,
declared-as-static method I have to come up unsafe hacks like this (a
very crude version):

        int rc = 0;
        RSA_METHOD *myEnginesMethod = rsa->meth;
        rsa->meth = RSA_null_method();
        rc = RSA_generate_key_ex(rsa, bits, e, cb);
        rsa->meth = myEnginesMethod;
        return rc;

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