The problem is not so much with IMAP or SMTP.     You can easily use IIS to
create separate certificate requests so those services.    In the MS
Exchange2007 Management Console (GUI) it is pretty easy to select the
certificate to use for IMAP SSL connection.  For some  very odd reason you
have to use the Exchange Power Shell (command line) to specify the
certificate for the SMTP TLS connection (you have to specify the
"thumbprint" of the certificate you want to use.)  


Digress:  if Microsoft WON"T give you a GUI way to do something, wouldn't it
be simpler just so stick with simple configuration files like a lot of
unix/linus stuff?    I realize the powershell stuff lets to script stuff,
which is great for adding 500 users.


Anyway, the problem is really with some of MS Exchanges web-based  Client
Access Services (autoconfigure service, which also handles things like
scheduleing )-    If you configure outlook 2007  to use "exchange1" it will
connect to IIS, get the mismatched certificate, and complain.    This gets
worse if you have multiple Exchange servers.  








Re: Confusion about subject alternative names

Peter Sylvester

Thu, 02 Sep 2010 01:53:49 -0700

Since webmail, imap, smtp(s) all operate on different ports, and

you have different listeners, the correct way to me seems to

use three certificates with the desired hostnames etc.


Having the same IP address doesn't matter in this particular case.



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