On 11/6/2010 7:44 AM, Martin Boßlet wrote:

I just tested, whether the BER-encoding is preserved if I do not alter
any of the contents. Unfortunately, it seems as if the encoding is not
preserved. I did the following:


and then directly

i2d_PKCS7_bio(file2, p7);

again. "file" was BER-encoded using e.g. an Octet String in
constructed form with inifinite length, which was DER-encoded in
primitive form using definite length in the output.
Is there a way how I can circumvent the reencoding?

Best regards,

Really, the best solution is just not to do that then. If it wants the signature done on the byte-for-byte form supplied, then do the signature on the byte-for-byte form supplied. Don't convert it into any other form and then convert it back because absent DER, it's unreasonable to expect that to produce the same output.

Keep both the PKCS7 object and a raw byte version. Compute and check signatures on the raw byte version. Do other checks on the PKCS7 object.


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