OK, I guess this is the only way to go then. Thanks for the help!


2010/11/9 David Schwartz <dav...@webmaster.com>:
> On 11/6/2010 7:44 AM, Martin Boßlet wrote:
>> I just tested, whether the BER-encoding is preserved if I do not alter
>> any of the contents. Unfortunately, it seems as if the encoding is not
>> preserved. I did the following:
>> d2i_PKCS7_bio(file,&p7);
>> and then directly
>> i2d_PKCS7_bio(file2, p7);
>> again. "file" was BER-encoded using e.g. an Octet String in
>> constructed form with inifinite length, which was DER-encoded in
>> primitive form using definite length in the output.
>> Is there a way how I can circumvent the reencoding?
>> Best regards,
>> Martin
> Really, the best solution is just not to do that then. If it wants the
> signature done on the byte-for-byte form supplied, then do the signature on
> the byte-for-byte form supplied. Don't convert it into any other form and
> then convert it back because absent DER, it's unreasonable to expect that to
> produce the same output.
> Keep both the PKCS7 object and a raw byte version. Compute and check
> signatures on the raw byte version. Do other checks on the PKCS7 object.
> DS
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