To whom it may concern,
I have been attempting to build a FIPS capable openssl using the instructions 
in the User Guide. However I am getting the following error while trying to run 
the fips validation of the archive: 

 sha1 -hmac etaonrishdlcupfm \
2848:error:2D06906E:FIPS routines:FIPS_CHECK_INCORE_FINGERPRINT:fingerprint 
does not match:.\fips\fips.c:238:

I found a thread on the dev list describing the use of the "/FIXED" linker flag 
but that is not working either. Can anyone help? I have included the steps I am 
following below:

Install Server 2008 R2 x64
Install Notepad++
Install .Net Framework 4
Install Windows SDK
Install the April 2005 x64 Platform SDK from MSDN
Install 7-zip
Install Gpg4win
Install ActivePerl

Create folder C:\build

OpenSSL FIPS - Note do not under ANY circumstances edit any of the openssl 
code/scripts/files during the fips build process
        Start following on 
page 25
        Download to 
        Download to 
C:\build\openssl-fips as well
        Open a command prompt start->run->cmd
                cd c:\build\openssl-fips
                gpg openssl-fips-1.2.tar.gz.asc

        It will complain about a missing public key. Check the reported Key ID 
against Appendix A. If it doesn't match we have issues.
        Next goto start->all programs->gpg4win->GPA
                Click no to creating your own public key
                At the top goto server->retrive keys and enter the key id that 
you saw at the command prompt.
                It should download a single key.
        Go back to the command prompt and rerun the command
                cd c:\build\openssl-fips
                gpg openssl-fips-1.2.tar.gz.asc
        It should report a good signature and also complain that the key isn't 
        Validate the primary key fingerprint against Appendix A of the user 
        Extract the tar.gz file to C:\build\openssl-fips\openssl-fips-1.2 
        Make sure to keep the tar.gz around since it will be needed for further 
validation after the build.
        Start at command prompt using the Microsoft Platform SDK Server 2003 
x64 Retail Build Shortcut
                cd c:\build\openssl-fips\openssl-fips-1.2
                ms\do_fips no-asm
        Once that completes create the following folder 
        Copy to following files to that folder:
Build Normal OpenSSL
        Make a folder named c:\build\openssl
        Download the latest 0.9.8b < x < 1.0.0 openssl source from here: to c:\build\openssl
        Extract the tar.gz file to C:\build\openssl\openssl-0.9.8p
        Start at command prompt using the Microsoft Platform SDK Server 2003 
x64 Retail Build Shortcut
                cd C:\build\openssl\openssl-0.9.8p
                perl Configure VC-WIN64A fips 
        In file C:\build\openssl\openssl-0.9.8p\ms\ntdll.mak lines 33 and 76
        add "/FIXED" to the end of the line.
        Go back to the command prompt and run
                nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
                cd out32dll
        Once that completes create the following folders 
        Copy to following files to their matching folders:
                inc32\openssl\*       - c:\openssl\include\openssl
                out32dll\ssleay32.lib - c:\openssl\lib
                out32dll\libeay32.lib - c:\openssl\lib
                out32dll\ssleay32.dll - c:\openssl\bin
                out32dll\libeay32.dll - c:\openssl\bin
                out32dll\openssl.exe  - c:\openssl\bin
FIPS Validate the openssl-fips download
        Open a command prompt and run the following
                set OPENSSL_FIPS=1; 
                C:\build\openssl\openssl\bin\openssl.exe sha1 -hmac 
etaonrishdlcupfm C:\build\openssl-fips\openssl-fips-1.2.tar.gz

Can someone please help?

Christopher A Hotchkiss
JPMorgan Chase & Co.

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