  The encrypted output is not a NULL terminated string so strlen will not work. 
   >> EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, (unsigned char *)plaintextz, &out_len, 
(unsigned char *)ciphertext, strlen(ciphertext));
      Use the length output from the encryption part.

Thank you very much for the reply. The problem is that the encryption and 
decryption must be on separate machines. I need a way to take the size of the 
encrypted message using language function like strlen      (). Is there other 

      - re
 On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 12:27 AM, derleader mail   derlea...@abv.bg >  wrote:

 I'm trying to code a C program that can convert very big number of characters. 
The problem is that there is an error in decryption.

This is the code:

//gcc test_Blowfish.c -L/usr/local/ssl/lib/ -lssl -lcrypto -Wall



int main(void) {

 char plaintext[1024] = "{aaX{aaX57 : {223 : 
2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:42424}242424242242424243r23r23r23r23r23r23r3r{}pppa57 : 
{223 : 
: {223 : 

 char plaintextz[1024];

 char ciphertext[1024]= {0,};

 char mykey[EVP_MAX_KEY_LENGTH] = "blowfish_key";

 char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH] = "blowfish";

 int tmp_len = 0, in_len, out_len=0;




 printf("No encrypt: %s\n", plaintext);


 printf("No encrypt size: %d\n", strlen(plaintext));


 EVP_EncryptInit(&ctx, EVP_bf_cfb(), (unsigned char *)mykey, (unsigned char 

 EVP_EncryptUpdate(&ctx, (unsigned char *)ciphertext, &out_len, 
(unsigned char *)plaintext, strlen(plaintext));

 //Block through the mem to be encrypted

 tmp_len += out_len;

 EVP_EncryptFinal(&ctx, (unsigned char *) &ciphertext[out_len], 
&out_len); //Finish any remaining encryption and throw a pad on

 tmp_len += out_len;

 printf("Encrypted: %s\n", ciphertext);

 printf("Encrypted size: %d\n", tmp_len);

 //Reset memory for Decryption


 in_len = tmp_len;

 out_len = tmp_len = 0;


 EVP_DecryptInit(&ctx, EVP_bf_cfb(), (unsigned char *)mykey, (unsigned char 

 EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx, (unsigned char *)plaintextz, &out_len, 
(unsigned char *)ciphertext, strlen(ciphertext));

 tmp_len += out_len;

 EVP_DecryptFinal(&ctx, (unsigned char *)&plaintextz[out_len], 

 tmp_len += out_len;

 //Zero out the pad

 memset(&plaintext[tmp_len],0,(int)(sizeof(plaintext)) - tmp_len);

 printf("Decrypted : %s\n", plaintextz);

 printf("Decrypted size: %d\n", tmp_len);

 printf("Block Size: %d\n",EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size(&ctx));

 return 0;

This is the output:

[root@localhost test]# ./a.out 
No encrypt: {aaX{aaX57 : {223 : 
2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:42424}242424242242424243r23r23r23r23r23r23r3r{}pppa57 : 
{223 : 
: {223 : 
No encrypt size: 267
Encrypted: �A-��  W  =?:�$�i �_�8:�F�wo#�5 � @D�mo��-I ���F�Q�J�#��F�0b� ;�`� 
C䦱�~6�)ހ�YG �ed�Ӕ�Z%�9!mdvϋ���\���QB��}�N ����@_�W�F�e"�
Encrypted size: 267
Decrypted : {aaX{aaX57 : {223 : 
2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:42424}242424242242424243r23r23r23r23r23r23r3r{}pppa57 : 
{223 : 2323}}{}{}{}{}{}{3535:4242
Decrypted size: 131
Block Size: 1

As youy see the decrypted size number is less that the original.
Any idea where is the problem?


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