
Le 25/09/2012 14:16, Jakob Bohm a écrit :
On 9/25/2012 11:11 AM, Erwann Abalea wrote:
Le 24/09/2012 21:03, Jakob Bohm a écrit :
> Does that work with any other serious X.509 validation toolkit?

It should.

And in fact, OpenSSL works correctly, at least versions 1.0.1 (Ubuntu), and 1.1.0 (from sources). The 1.0.1 version displays a warning if it finds the expired certificate first, but the verification goes on with the next certificates, and it finally gives an OK result. That can be checked either by removing the nonexpired certificate from the CAfile or by changing to the CApath mode and using strace to see OpenSSL opens the second CA certificate (named 415660c1.1).

When trying to build a valid certification path, all possibilities have
to be tested until one of them succeeds. If a CA gives a good signature,
but fails for whatever reason (a non respected constraint, a revoked
state, or an expired certificate), then the considered certificate chain
is invalid, and the next has to be tested.

Read carefully, I said that if the only way to pick the right candidate is to
validate the signature against 2 same-algorithm public keys, then the
security of the signature validation is reduced by up to log2(keycount) bits.

?? Could you elaborate on this?

Anything that can be filtered out without signature checking (such as
different algorithms, different key identifies, different key lengths etc.)
does not cause that problem. And is OK security wise, but may not
be implemented by all (otherwise compliant) X.509 implementations.

> To make this work (assuming the old root CA cert has not yet expired),
> the validation code will need to actually verify the End Entity
> certificate against both public keys, which effectively reduces the
> algorithm security by allowing twice as many bit strings to be
> accepted as valid.

An EE can be valid under different certificate chains, without reducing
the security of anything. Think about cross-certifications.
Cross-certifications involve different distinguished names for signature
chain building, these can all be verified by building the trusted chain
before validating the signatures.

You're right. The cross-certified entity will have different certificates, each one with a distinct issuer name.

> As for trust anchor update scenarios, I know of 3 different scenarios
> that should be accepted by any good X.509 validation algorithm:
> 1. Changing expiry or other attributes while keeping the key.
> Here the CA issues a new self-signed certificate with updated
> attributes but unchanged key.

> 2. Changing the CA key when the old key has *not* been compromised.
> Here the CA generates a new key and issues two certificates for it:
>    A. A self-signed new root with a serial number or other variation
>      in one of the subject name components.

This is a change in the name of the CA, whence it's a completely
different CA.

Yes, but it will still have a sufficiently close name to retain any reputation
based human trust.

What about the DigiCert (Malaysia) against DigiCert, Inc (US) not so old problem?

> B. A certificate for the new key and the same subject and (optional)
>      SubjectKeyIdentifier as A, but issued by the old root certificate
>      identity and key.

That's a self-issued certificate, it's OK until the old CA certificate
is not expired. Well described in X.509.
Manual update of the trust anchor is still necessary if you want the
validation to pass the expiration date of the old CA cert.

Actually, this is a cross-certificate from the old CA to the new CA.
as you said, well described in the literature.

Again, I misread. The case you're describing is really a cross-certificate.

So there's one more possibility: the CA changes its key, keeps its name (so it's the same CA), and issues 2 certificates. First one is a self-signed one with its brand new key. Second one is a self-issued one, signed by the previous key. Both this case and the previous one are used by several countries for CSCA certificates (for passports).

Some of the discussions on this thread seems to indicate that when both the A and B certificate are available, OpenSSL sometimes may fail to stop when it hits the new (A) CA in the trust store because it does not distinguish between its trust store and its collection of cached/preloaded intermediary certificates
(unlike Windows, which has seperate stores for those two categories).

What I understand from the OP seems to be different from this paragraph.
I grabed the old 1996-2004 VeriSign C3 root certificate, and its renewed version 1996-2028 (same key, same name). That's your scenario 1. The Thawte CA certificate doesn't have any authorityKeyIdentifier extension, and OpenSSL correctly tests each possible certificate, filtered by their subject name, until the validation is OK.

> 3. Setting up the CA to have keys for more than one algorithm (such
> as RSA 1024 with SHA1 and RSA 4096 with SHA256).  In this case, the
> certificate validation could SHOULD (but might not) match issued end
> entity certificates to the trust anchor by also comparing
> signatureAlgorithm in the issued certificate against
> subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm in the candidate issuer cert from the
> store.

The issued certificate will have "sha1withRSA" or "sha256withRSA" in its
signatureAlgorithm, not "sha1withRSA1024" or "sha256withRSA4096".
I deliberately did not give the OID names for the combinations, just descriptions,
that is why I wrote it as multiple space separated words.

Yes. And the signatureAlgorithm in the issued certificate will show "sha1withRSA" while the subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm in the different candidates issuer certificates will all have "rsaEncryption". The combination of these 2 elements alone can't be a distinguisher. In this scenario, key lengths and signature lengths could be used as distinguishers, but the implementation then needs to parse the innards of the certificates.

Think of the regular posts on
this list from people asking if they can upgrade Apache to OpenSSL 1.0.1
without recompiling their existing Apache httpd binaries. Then think of all
the users who refuse to switch from Windows XP to Windows Vista/7/8
because they like the old OS better, and who then suffer from Microsoft
not adding SHA-256 to the crypto algorithms in the XP core. And then throw
in the knock on effect on anyone trying to communicate with everybody,
including those hapless victims of SHA-256 refusal.

True. They may have "good" reasons for not upgrading. (I doubt it)

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