On 05/29/2013 05:40 AM, Abhijit Ray Chaudhury wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Thanks a lot for you clarification.
> The user guide states :
> ...
> Now my question is since I have followed following clause:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "...There shall be no additions, deletions or alterations to the tar
> file contents as used during module build..."
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Is the libeay32.dll thus produced a FIPS140-2 validated module.

Did you modify the tarball?  Yes. Is modifying the tarball allowed?  No.

I didn't write that statement that appears so prominently on the NIST
CMVP web site, but I can't think of a way to state it more clearly.

You're confusing two different things: the requirements for claiming
FIPS 140-2 validation, and getting the code to run. Most definitely not
the same thing.

-Steve M.

Steve Marquess
OpenSSL Software Foundation, Inc.
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