Monty Taylor <> wrote on 07/17/2013 09:52:47 PM:
> > On 07/17/2013 02:35 PM, John Griffith wrote:
> > <snip>
> >> Just to point out a few things here, first off there is no guideline
> >> that states a company affiliation should have anything to do with the
> >> decision on voting somebody as core.  I have ABSOLUTELY NO concern
> >> representation of company affiliation what so ever.
> >>
> >> Quite frankly I wouldn't mind if there were 20 core members from HP,
> >> they're all actively engaged and participating then that's great.  I
> >> don't think there has been ANY incidence of folks exerting
> >> influence based on their affiliated interest, and if there ever was I
> >> think it would be easy to identify and address.
> >>
> >> As far as "don't need more" I don't agree with that either, if there
> >> folks contributing and doing the work then there's no reason not to
> >> them.  Cinder IMO does NOT have an excess of reviewers by a very very
> >> long stretch.
> >>
> >> The criteria here should be review consistency and quality as well as
> >> knowledge of the project, nothing more nothing less.  If there's an
> >> objection to the individuals participation or contribution that's
> >> but company affiliation should have no bearing.
> >
> > +1
> >
> > The people that do great work on reviews, should really be your review
> > team, regardless of affiliation.
> +1 (also +1 to what Mark and Dan said)
> FWIW - _all_ of the core members of the Infra team were HP for quite a
> while - and everyone on the team was quite good about always wearing
> their upstream hat. We're split 50/50 now - HP and OpenStack Foundation.
> I'd LOVE more diversity, but we would certainly die if we had a
> diversity requirement.

You've all made good points, and I agree with them.  When I saw the
nomination, I had some concerns due to the reasons I stated previously, but
what you have all said makes sense.  Thanks for the patient explanations.
In terms of this specific nomination, according to the review statistics
that John posted in the other thread[1], Ollie is an obvious candidate for
core, and has my support.

Thanks all,


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