Link for streaming:

(Hangout link will be pasted to IRC #tripleo channel. If you don't fit into the capacity, I am sorry, please follow the youtube stream)

-- Jarda

On 2013/30/09 13:57, Jaromir Coufal wrote:
Hi everyone,

based on Tuskar's merger with TripleO and upstream feedback on Tuskar, when I 
was thinking about processes and workflows there, I got into some changes which 
I think that are important for us, because they will help us to achieve better 
flexibility and still having ability for easy scaling.

I wanted to do just walkthrough the wireframes but I think that it will raise 
up some discussion around Classes and Racks, so my thought was to merge both 
together (wireframes + concepts discussion).

At this meeting I'd like to get you familiar with my thoughts and get into some 
wireframes which will explain the ideas more. I hope that we will get into 
discussion around changes (not just UI but API as well).

The scope which we will be talking about is Icehouse.

I'll be posting link into #tripleo IRC channel.
I'd like to record the whole session, so if anybody cannot attend, it should be 
available for you later.

(Please note that Google Hangout has limited number of 10 participants, so if 
you consider just watching, please use youtube stream - link will be posted 
here when available.)

-- Jarda

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