Hi John!

Thank you for your reply:)
Sorry for inline comment.

We also need something that doesn't clash with the cross-service
> request id, as that is doing something slightly different. Would
> "idempotent-request-id" work better?
Oh, yes.
Did you say about this BP(
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/cross-service-request-id )?
(I am going to go that HK session.)
So, I will user your opinion, and I try to go forward.

Also, I assume we are only adding this into the v3 API? We should
> close the v2 API for additions I guess?
Now I only adapt into v2 API, so it is aloso necessary to cope with the v3
Did I answer your question?

Haruka Tanizawa
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