On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 4:24 PM, Michael Still <mi...@stillhq.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Eric Windisch <e...@cloudscaling.com>
> wrote:
> > I don't think it is a problem to remove the code in oslo first, as
> > long as no other oslo-incubator code uses it. Projects don't have to
> > sync the code and could always revert should that they do.
> I strongly disagree. It stops projects from syncing with oslo until
> they go through the code churn to remove the method.
> > However, like Mark, I'm inclined to consider the value of
> > is_uuid_like. While undoubtedly useful, is one method sufficient to
> > warrant creating a new top-level module. Waiting for it to hit the
> > standard library will take quite a long time...
> >
> > There are other components of oslo that are terse and questionable as
> > standalone libraries. For these, it might make sense to aggressively
> > consider rolling some modules together?
> >
> > One clear example would be log.py and log_handler.py, another would be
> > periodic_task.py and loopingcall.py
> I'm not sure I see the harm in leaving small but widely used modules
> in oslo incubator. If we really want to release everything as a
> library, can't we just have a generic catchall one for the small
> things? oslo.therest perhaps?

Every project eventually grows a utils module, right? :-)

Seriously, we'll release things in large enough chunks that they are worth
maintaining on their own, while sticking to a logical grouping of features.
Not everything is going to be as big as oslo.messaging, but most of the
libraries won't be as small as oslo.version either.


> Michael
> --
> Rackspace Australia
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