On 11/01/2013 02:21 PM, Clayton Coleman wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> I was blindly assuming we want to pull in eventlet support, with the
>>>>> implicit understanding that we will be doing some form of timeslicing and
>>>>> async io bound waiting in the API... but would like to hear others weigh
>>>>> in before I add the monkey_patch and stub code around script startup.
>>>> I'm not so sure that bringing in eventlet should be done by default. It
>>>> adds complexity and if most/all of the API calls will be doing some call
>>>> to a native C library like libmysql that blocks, I'm not sure there is
>>>> going to be much benefit to using eventlet versus multiplexing the
>>>> servers using full OS processes -- either manually like some of the
>>>> projects do with the workers=N configuration and forking, or using more
>>>> traditional multiplexing solutions like running many mod_wsgi or uwsgi
>>>> workers inside Apache or nginx.
>>> What about callouts to heat/keystone APIs?
>> Sure, it's possible to do that with eventlet. It's also possible to do
>> that with a queueing system. For example, the API server could send an
>> RPC message to a queue and a separate process could work on executing
>> the individual tasks associated with a particular application build-pack.
> I guess I was asking because event patterns are generally more efficient for 
> memory than multiprocess, assuming that the underlying codebase isn't 
> fighting the event system at every step.  Are your concerns with eventlet 
> based on that mismatch (bugs, problems with eventlet across the various 
> projects and libraries that OpenStack uses) or more that you believe we 
> should start, at the very beginning, with the pattern of building everything 
> as a distributed ordered task flow since we know at least some of our 
> interactions are asynchronous?  There are at least a few network IO 
> operations that will be synchronous to our flows - while they are not likely 
> to be a large percentage of the API time, they may definitely block threads 
> for a period of time.
>> The design of Zuul [1], especially with the relatively recent addition
>> of Gearman and the nodepool orchestrator [2] that the openstack-infra
>> folks wrote would, IMO, be a worthy place to look for inspiration, since
>> Solum essentially is handling a similar problem domain -- distributed
>> processing of ordered tasks.
>> Best,
>> -jay
> Familiar with Gearman, will look through nodepool/Zuul.

BTW - I was just brainstorming the other day that we might want to have
a few of our things- nodepool might be one of them - start to take
advantage of taskflow as well.

In general though, I think we can all agree that zuul can handle a
pretty high load. :)

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