Hi all

There is a confused word in horizon when stopping an instance. Please take
a look at following snapshots:

1. In the action list of an install, there is an action that is "Shut Off"
[image: Inline image 2]

2. If you press that, In the confirm window, we still call this action
"Shut Off"
[image: Inline image 1]

3. When doing this action, it is called "Powering off"
[image: Inline image 3]

4. Shut off again after finished
[image: Inline image 4]

So should we use a unified name for it? For example we could use "Shuting
down" instead. But I'm not sure for this, because horizon has a long
history actually, maybe horizon developers choosing current verbs have a
more rational reason.


*Cloud Computing, OpenStack, Fitness, Basketball*
*OpenStack contributor*
*Company: UnitedStack <http://www.ustack.com>*
*My promise: if you find any spelling or grammar mistakes in my email from
Mar 1 2013, notify me *
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