Coming from QA/Ops, I agree that there are horizontal teams that need to get 
info from the mailing list(s) across the spectrum.  I also agree with Clint's 
and Adrian's statements about the synergies and serendipities of all the 
developers on one list.  But I also understand the feeling of drowning in email.

I would like to present a solution that was employed on another development 
project I participated in.  We are already using key words for projects, and 
I've seen the use of [RFC].  In the other project, we had key words for the 
stage each thread was in:


These tags (no brackets but all caps) allowed those of us who needed to know 
details but not follow the discussion to get the resolved decision easily.  
And, yes, it made filtering pretty easy.

Perhaps a collection of keywords for status as well as project could help in 
reducing the noise for various participants.

Just a humble observation.


From: Stefano Maffulli [] 

On 11/15/2013 02:06 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> Arguments in favor of splitting openstack-dev / stackforge-dev
> * People can easily filter out all non-openstack discussions
> * Traffic would drop by about 25%

I'm not so convinced about this figure, as others pointed out.

> * Removes confusion as to which projects are actually "in openstack"
> Arguments in favor of keeping it the same
> * Provides a cross-pollination forum where external projects can learn
> * More chaos creates more innovation

chaos creates just chaos in this context :) I don't buy Clint's rhetoric
applied to this case :)

Anyway, I've looked at my folder and it looks like 90% of the messages
to openstack-dev have topics in the subject line. Filtering on the
client side should be easy to do and I'd like to have a few volunteers
run an experiment over one week to see if filters can ease the pain.

I'd also like to get to an agreement that support requests sent to
openstack-dev should not be answered and instead should be redirected
gently to openstack@lists. and/or

Maybe we can restart this conversation in a week and see how things are


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