On 11/21/2013 03:08 PM, Jarret Raim wrote:
The Barbican team has been taking a look at the KDS feature and the
proposed patch and I think this may be better placed in Barbican rather
than Keystone. The patch, from what I can tell, seems to require that a
service account create & use a key under its own tenant. In this use case,
Barbican can handle the entire exchange and Keystone can just provide
auth/auth for the process. This would allow for some great additional
features including guaranteed entropy and additional security through the
use of HSMs, auditing / logging, etc.

Barbican is pretty far along at this point and it doesn¹t appear to be a
huge amount of work to move the patch over as it doesn¹t seem to use any
Keystone internals.

What would people think about this approach? We¹re happy to help move the
patch over and I¹m certainly happy to merge it as it feels like a good
feature for barbican.

I'm ok with it.

I would, however, like to suggest that we work to make the KDS as a seperatly runnable service, so that you don't need to run the rest of Barbican to get it. Barbican was originally envisioned as a customer/outward facing project, and KDS is internal (primarily), they should be runnable at the same time, without getting confused about which service they belong in. Thus, While I would be OK with KDS under the Barbican/CloudKeep program, it might not make sense to bundle it with the Barbican server. Using Barbican as a way to bootstrap the deployment for the short term is probably OK, though.


On 11/21/13, 12:55 AM, "Russell Bryant" <rbry...@redhat.com> wrote:


I'd like to check in on the status of this API addition:


The last comment is:

   "propose against stackforge as discussed at summit?"

I don't see a session about this and from a quick look, don't see notes
related to it in other session etherpads.

When was this discussed?  Can you summarize it?

Last I heard, this was just being deferred to be merged early in
Icehouse [1].

This is blocking one of the most important security features for
OpenStack, IMO (trusted messaging) [2].  We've been talking about it for
years.  Someone has finally made some real progress on it and I feel
like it has been given little to no attention.

I'm not thrilled about the prospect of this going into a new project for
multiple reasons.

- Given the priority and how long this has been dragging out, having to
wait for a new project to make its way into OpenStack is not very

- A new project needs to be able to stand on its own legs.  It needs to
have a reasonably sized development team to make it sustainable.  Is
this big enough for that?

What's the thinking on this?

[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37913/

Russell Bryant

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