On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 10:46:19AM -0500, Russell Bryant wrote:
> On 11/22/2013 10:43 AM, Rafał Jaworowski wrote:
> > Russell,
> > First, thank you for the whiteboard input regarding the blueprint for
> > FreeBSD hypervisor nova driver:
> > https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/freebsd-compute-node
> > 
> > We were considering libvirt support for bhyve hypervisor as well, only
> > wouldn't want to do this as the first approach for FreeBSD+OpenStack
> > integration. We'd rather bring bhyve bindings for libvirt later as
> > another integration option.
> > 
> > For FreeBSD host support a native hypervisor driver is important and
> > desired long-term and we would like to have it anyways. Among things
> > to consider are the following:
> > - libvirt package is additional (non-OpenStack), external dependency
> > (maintained in the 'ports' collection, not included in base system),
> > while native API (via libvmmapi.so library) is integral part of the
> > base system.
> > - libvirt license is LGPL, which might be an important aspect for some 
> > users.
> That's perfectly fine if you want to go that route as a first step.
> However, that doesn't mean it's appropriate for merging into Nova.
> Unless there are strong technical justifications for why this approach
> should be taken, I would probably turn down this driver until you were
> able to go the libvirt route.

The idea of a FreeBSD bhyve driver for libvirt has been mentioned
a few times. We've already got a FreeBSD port of libvirt being
actively maintained to support QEMU (and possibly Xen, not 100% sure
on that one), and we'd be more than happy to see further contributions
such as a bhyve driver.

I am of course biased, as libvirt project maintainer, but I do agree
that supporting bhyve via libvirt would make sense, since it opens up
opportunities beyond just OpenStack. There are a bunch of applications
built on libvirt that could be used to manage bhyve, and a fair few
applications which have plugins using libvirt

Taking on maint work for a new OpenStack driver is a non-trivial amount
of work in itself. If the burden for OpenStack maintainers can be reduced
by, pushing work out to / relying on support from, libvirt, that makes
sense from OpenStack/Nova's POV.

|: http://berrange.com      -o-    http://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange/ :|
|: http://libvirt.org              -o-             http://virt-manager.org :|
|: http://autobuild.org       -o-         http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
|: http://entangle-photo.org       -o-       http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|

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