On 7 December 2013 09:26, Tzu-Mainn Chen <tzuma...@redhat.com> wrote:

>> >      * Archived nodes (F)
>> Can you elaborate a bit more on what this is?
> To be honest, I'm a bit fuzzy about this myself; Jarda mentioned that there 
> was
> an OpenStack service in the process of being planned that would handle this
> requirement.  Jarda, can you detail a bit?

Ironic is a hypervisor service, roughly like libvirt+kvm for virtual
machines : so it doesn't keep a deep history of whats been deployed
where and other similar things : it's not a CMDB. Historical reporting
is something to push data for into ceilometer, for instance. Nova has
some support for historical data, and it's possible that that minimal
approach might fit in Ironic, but I'm super skeptical - Ironic would
have nothing to *do* for historical data, so why keep it there at all?


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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