On Tue, 2013-12-10 at 09:40 +1300, Robert Collins wrote:
> On 6 December 2013 14:11, Fox, Kevin M <kevin....@pnnl.gov> wrote:
> > I think the security issue can be handled by not actually giving the 
> > underlying resource to the user in the first place.
> >
> > So, for example, if I wanted a bare metal node's worth of resource for my 
> > own containering, I'd ask for a bare metal node and use a "blessed" image 
> > that contains docker+nova bits that would hook back to the cloud. I 
> > wouldn't be able to login to it, but containers started on it would be able 
> > to access my tenant's networks. All access to it would have to be through 
> > nova suballocations. The bare resource would count against my quotas, but 
> > nothing run under it.
> >
> > Come to think of it, this sounds somewhat similar to what is planned for 
> > Neutron service vm's. They count against the user's quota on one level but 
> > not all access is directly given to the user. Maybe some of the same 
> > implementation bits could be used.
> This is a super interesting discussion - thanks for kicking it off.

Indeed. A very enlightening conversation :)

> I think it would be fantastic to be able to use containers for
> deploying the cloud rather than full images while still running
> entirely OpenStack control up and down the stack.
> Briefly, what we need to be able to do that is:
>  - the ability to bring up an all in one node with everything on it to
> 'seed' the environment.
>     - we currently do that by building a disk image, and manually
> running virsh to start it

Is this set in stone? In other words, is it a given that in order to
create the seed undercloud, that you need to use DIB to do it? Instead
of an image that is pre-constructed and virsh'd into, what about
constructing one or more LXC templates, starting a set of LXC containers
for the various undercloud support services (db, mq, OpenStack services,
etc), installing those support services using
config-mgmt-flavor-du-jour? Has this been considered as an option to
DIB? (sorry if I'm late to the discussion!) :)

>  - the ability to reboot a machine *with no other machines running* -
> we need to be able to power off and on a datacentre - and have the
> containers on it come up correctly configured, networking working,
> running etc.

I think a container-based seed would work just fine here, yes?

>  - we explicitly want to be just using OpenStack APIs for all the
> deployment operations after the seed is up; so no direct use of lxc or
> docker or whathaveyou.

Agreed. I'm talking about changing the thinking of the construction of
the seed undercloud, not the overcloud.


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