On 05/23/2018 12:49 PM, Colleen Murphy wrote:
On Tue, May 22, 2018, at 10:57 PM, Jay Pipes wrote:

Are any of the distributions of OpenStack listed at
https://www.openstack.org/marketplace/distros/ hosted on openstack.org
infrastructure? No. And I think that is completely appropriate.

Hang on, that's not quite true. From that list I see Mirantis, Debian, Ubuntu, 
and RedHat, who all have (or had until recently) significant parts of their 
distros hosted on openstack.org infrastructure and are/were even official 
OpenStack projects governed by the TC.

I believe you may be confusing packages (or package specs) with distributions?

Mirantis OpenStack was never hosted on an openstack infrastructure. Fuel is, as are deb spec files and Puppet manifests, etc. But the distribution of OpenStack is the collection of all those specs/build files along with a default configuration and things like project deltas exposed as patch files. Same goes for RDO, Canonical OpenStack, etc.

It's also important to make the distinction between hosting something on 
openstack.org infrastructure and recognizing it in an official capacity. 
StarlingX is seeking both, but in my opinion the code hosting is not the 
problem here.

Yep, you're absolutely right that there is a distinction between hosting and consuming the foundation's resources and recognizing StarlingX in some official capacity. I'm concerned about both items.

My concern with the former item is that I believe this is setting a precedent that the foundation's resources are being used to host a particular OpenStack distribution -- which is something I don't believe should happen. Vendor products/distributions [1] should be supported by that vendor, IMHO. [2]

My concern with the latter item is more an annoyance with what I see as Intel / Wind River playing the Linux Foundation against the OpenStack foundation to see which will bear the burden of supporting code that I feel is being dumped on the upstream community. I fully understand that Dean has been put into a very awkward situation with all of this, and I want to be clear that I mean no disrespect towards any Intel or Wind River engineer/contributor. My gripe is with the business/management decisions that led to this. Dean was very gracious in answering a number of my questions on the etherpad linked in the original post. Thank you to Dean for being gracious under fire.

Finally, I'd like to say that I did read the long discussion thread the TC had about this [3]. A number of the TC folks brought up interesting points about the subject at hand, and I recognize there's a bit of a damned-if-we-do-damned-if-we-don't situation. Jeremy pointed out concern about the optics of having the Linux Foundation hosting a fork of OpenStack and how bad that would look. A number of folks, including Jeremy, also brought up the potential renaming of the OpenStack Foundation to the Open Infrastructure Foundation and what such a rename might do to ease concerns over things like Airship and StarlingX. I don't personally feel a rename would ease much of the discontent, but I'm also clearly biased and recognize that I am so.

One point that I brought up on the etherpad was whether folks have considered an "edge constellation" instead of a fork of OpenStack? In other words, the edge constellation would be a description of an opinionated build of OpenStack (and other supporting services) that would be focused on the mobile/edge cloud use cases, but there would not be a fork of OpenStack. Anyway, I think it's worth considering at least; it's a sticky and awkward situation, for sure.


[1] Yes, even if that vendor has now chosen a different strategy of open sourcing their code versus keeping it proprietary

[2] For the record, I believe it was a mistake to put Mirantis' Fuel product (and let's face it, Fuel was a product of Mirantis) under the openstack.org's hosting.

[3] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-tc/%23openstack-tc.2018-05-20.log.html

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