All the bits and pieces of OpenStack are interconnected and
interdependent across the many groupings of technology and people.
When we plan or make changes, wiggling something _here_ has
consequences over _there_. Some intended, some unintended.

This is such commonly accepted wisdom that to say it risks being a
cliche but acting accordingly remains hard.

Thierry and I had a useful conversation about the [Tech Vision
2018 etherpad](
One of the issues there is agreeing on what we're even talking
about. How can we have a vision for a "cloud" if we don't agree what
that is? There's hope that clarifying the vision will help unify
and direct energy, but as the discussion and the etherpad show,
there's work to do.

The lack of clarity on the vision is one of the reasons why
Adjutant's [application to be
official]( still has [no

Meanwhile, to continue [last week's theme](/tc-report-18-25.html),
the TC's role as listener, mediator, and influencer lacks

Zane wrote up a blog post explaining the various ways in which the
OpenStack Foundation is 
But this raises
about what, if any, role the TC has in that expansion. It appears
that the board has decided to not to do a [joint leadership
at the PTG, which means discussions about such things will need to
happen in other media, or be delayed until the next summit in

To make up for the gap, the TC is
to hold [a 
to work on some of the much needed big-picture and
shared-understanding building.

While that shared understanding is critical, we have to be sure that
it incorporates what we can hear from people who are not long-term
members of the community. In a long discussion asking if [our
tooling makes things harder for new
several of us tried to make it clear that we have an incomplete
understanding about the barriers people experience, that we often
assume rather than verify, and that sometimes our interest in and
enthusiasm for making incremental progress (because if iterating in
code is good and just, perhaps it is in social groups too?) can mean
that we avoid the deeper analysis required for paradigm shifts.

Chris Dent                       ٩◔̯◔۶ 
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent
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