---- On Sun, 14 Oct 2018 06:29:46 +0900 Mohammed Naser <mna...@vexxhost.com> 
wrote ---- 
 > Hi everyone:
 > I was going over our governance documents, more specifically this section:
 > "All project meetings are held in public IRC channels and recorded."
 > Does this mean that all official projects are *required* to hold their
 > project meetings over IRC?  Is this a hard requirement or is this
 > something that we're a bit more 'lax about?  Do members of the
 > community feel like it would be easier to hold their meetings if we
 > allowed other avenues (assuming this isn't allowed?)
 > Looking forward to hearing everyone's comments.

Personally I feel IRC is good options which is more comfortable for non-english 
speakers then, video/audio call. But that is for official meeting not other 
ad-hoc/technical discussion which is or can be done on any channel. 

But if any team or all attendees of the meeting are more comfortable in other 
communication channel, we should have flexibility for them. Like PTL discussed 
in his team and everyone decided to use hangout for meeting then, we should not 
restrict them. As long as meeting logs(chat/audio/video) are linked in 
eavesdrop we should be good.


 > Thanks
 > Mohammed
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