On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 10:58 AM Zane Bitter <zbit...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 15/10/18 8:00 PM, Monty Taylor wrote:
> > On 10/15/2018 06:39 PM, Zane Bitter wrote:
> >>
> >> In fact, as far as we know the version we have to support in CentOS
> >> may actually be 3.5, which seems like a good reason to keep it working
> >> for long enough that we can find out for sure one way or the other.
> >
> > I certainly hope this is not what ends up happening, but seeing as how I
> > actually do not know - I agree, I cannot discount the possibility that
> > such a thing would happen.
> I'm right there with ya.
> > That said - until such a time as we get to actually drop python2, I
> > don't see it as an actual issue. The reason being - if we test with 2.7
> > and 3.7 - the things in 3.6 that would break 3.5 get gated by the
> > existence of 2.7 for our codebase.
> >
> > Case in point- the instant 3.6 is our min, I'm going to start replacing
> > every instance of:
> >
> >    "foo {bar}".format(bar=bar)
> >
> > in any code I spend time in with:
> >
> >    f"foo {bar}"
> >
> > It TOTALLY won't parse on 3.5 ... but it also won't parse on 2.7.
> >
> > If we decide as a community to shift our testing of python3 to be 3.6 -
> > or even 3.7 - as long as we still are testing 2.7, I'd argue we're
> > adequately covered for 3.5.
> Yeah, that is a good point. There are only a couple of edge-case
> scenarios where that might not prove to be the case. One is where we
> install a different (or a different version of a) 3rd-party library on
> py2 vs. py3. The other would be where you have some code like:
>    if six.PY3:
>       some_std_lib_function_added_in_3_6()
>    else:
>       py2_code()
> It may well be that we can say this is niche enough that we don't care.
> In theory the same thing could happen between versions of python3 (e.g.
> if we only tested on 3.5 & 3.7, and not 3.6). There certainly exist
> places where we check the minor version.* However, that's so much less
> likely again that it definitely seems negligible.
> * e.g.
> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/oslo.service/tree/oslo_service/service.py#n207
> > The day we decide we can drop 2.7 - if we've been testing 3.7 for
> > python3 and it turns out RHEL/CentOS 8 ship with python 3.5, then
> > instead of just deleting all of the openstack-tox-py27 jobs, we'd
> > probably just need to replace them with openstack-tox-py35 jobs, as that
> > would be our new low-water mark.
> >
> > Now, maybe we'll get lucky and RHEL/CentOS 8 will be a future-looking
> > release and will ship with python 3.7 AND so will the corresponding
> > Ubuntu LTS - and we'll get to only care about one release of python for
> > a minute. :)
> >
> > Come on - I can dream, right?
> Sure, but let's not get complacent - 3.8 is right around the corner :)
Btw I confirmed this morning that the plan for 20.04 LTS is to have 3.8, so
it really is around the corner.


> Zane.
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