In order for the VM to be booted the image needs to be on a datastore 
accessible by the host. By default the data tore will not have the image. This 
is copied from glance tot he datastore. This is most probably where the problem 
is. This may take a while depending on the connectivity between the openstack 
setup and  your backbend datastore. Once you have done this you will see a 
directory on the datastore called vmware_base. This will contain that image. 
From then on it should be smooth sailing.
Please note that we are working on a number of things to improve this:

 1.  Image cache aging (blueprint is implemented and pending review)
 2.  Adding a Vmware glance datastore – which will greatly improve the copy 
process described above


From: Ray Sun <xiaoq...@gmail.com<mailto:xiaoq...@gmail.com>>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Date: Wednesday, January 8, 2014 4:30 AM
To: OpenStack Dev 
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Nova][Vmware]Bad Performance when creating a new VM

I tried to create a new VM using the driver VMwareVCDriver, but I found it's 
very slow when I try to create a new VM, for example, 7GB Windows Image spent 3 

Then I tried to use curl to upload a iso to vcenter directly.

curl -H "Expect:" -v --insecure --upload-file windows2012_server_cn_x64.iso 

The average speed is 0.8 MB/s.

Finally, I tried to use vSpere web client to upload it, it's only 250 KB/s.

I am not sure if there any special configurations for web interface for 
vcenter. Please help.

Best Regards
-- Ray
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