On 01/07/2014 06:30 PM, Ray Sun wrote:
I tried to create a new VM using the driver VMwareVCDriver, but I found
it's very slow when I try to create a new VM, for example, 7GB Windows
Image spent 3 hours.

Then I tried to use curl to upload a iso to vcenter directly.

curl -H "Expect:" -v --insecure --upload-file

The average speed is 0.8 MB/s.

Finally, I tried to use vSpere web client to upload it, it's only 250 KB/s.

I am not sure if there any special configurations for web interface for
vcenter. Please help.

I'm not fully versed in the plumbing, but while you are pushing via curl to you might check the netstat statistics at the sending side, say once a minute, and see what the TCP retransmission rate happens to be. If has to push the bits to somewhere else you should follow that trail back to the point of origin, checking statistics on each node as you go.

You could, additionally, try running the likes of netperf (or iperf, but I have a natural inclination to suggest netperf...) between the same pairs of systems. If netperf gets significantly better performance then you (probably) have an issue at the application layer rather than in the networking.

Depending on how things go with those, it may be desirable to get a packet trace of the upload via the likes of tcpdump. It will be very much desirable to start the packet trace before the upload so you can capture the TCP connection establishment packets (aka the TCP SYNchronize segments) as those contain some important pieces of information about the capabilities of the connection.

rick jones

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