Currently, we already have a simple status page in zuul repo and status
page in infra/config, probably, we should think about moving them to the
separated repo and merge their functionality and in this case it'll be easy
to use any actual js tools. Otherwise it'll be not really straightforward
to have internal node.js project in mostly-puppet infra/config or python

On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 7:21 PM, Monty Taylor <> wrote:

> On 01/13/2014 05:05 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
>> On 01/12/2014 09:56 PM, Michael Krotscheck wrote:
>>> If all you're looking for is a javascript-based in-browser templating
>>> system, then handlebars is a fine choice. I'm not certain on how complex
>>> status.html/status.js is, however if you expect it to grow to something
>>> more like an application then perhaps looking at angular as a full
>>> application framework might help you avoid both this growing pain and
>>> future ones (alternatives: Ember, backbone, etc).
>> Honestly, I've not done enough large scale js projects to know whether
>> we'd consider status.js to be big or not. I just know it's definitely
>> getting too big for += all the html together and doing document.writes.
>> I guess the real question I had is is there an incremental path towards
>> any of the other frameworks? I can see how to incrementally bring in
>> templates, but again my personal lack of experience on these others
>> means I don't know.
>>  Quick warning though, a lot of the javascript community out there uses
>>> tooling that is built on top of Node.js, for which current official
>>> packages for Centos/Ubuntu don't exist, and therefore infra won't
>>> support it for openstack. Storyboard is able to get around this because
>>> it's not actually part of openstack proper, but you might be forced to
>>> manage your code manually. That's not a deal breaker in my opinion -
>>> it's just more tedious (though I think it might be less tedious than
>>> what you're doing right now).
>> I'd ideally like to be able to function without node, mostly because
>> it's another development environment to have to manager. But I realize
>> that's pushing against the current at this point. So I agree, not a deal
>> breaker.
> Yeah - as a quick note though, just for clarity - this is only talking
> about node as a dev/build time depend - not a runtime depend.
> I think, given that we seem to be doing more and more with javascript,
> that we might should just bite the bullet and learn the toolchain - I'm
> starting feel that doing all the js stuff without it is like the crazy
> python people who refuse to touch pip for some reason.
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