On 01/13/2014 05:05 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
Honestly, I've not done enough large scale js projects to know whether we'd consider status.js to be big or not. I just know it's definitely getting too big for += all the html together and doing document.writes.
Yes indeed.
I guess the real question I had is is there an incremental path towards any of the other frameworks? I can see how to incrementally bring in templates, but again my personal lack of experience on these others means I don't know.
Short answer: Yes, and the incremental path will be more/less difficult depending on which application framework you want to move to. [/captain obvious]

Long answer: Pretty much all the template frameworks out there use {{mustache-style}} syntax. Some application frameworks use handlebars directly (ember), for some it's pluggable (knockout), others have their own framework with similar markup (angular). From what I saw of status.js, it's really not complicated enough to preclude a refactor to any of the above.

Also, what Monty said.

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